Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Personal Project

So Bill Kelly assigned the Personal Project at the beginning of the semester. The assignment is to create a mini portfolio following a common theme. BK and I are still having trouble pin-pointing my theme, but what is for sure is they are portraits :) I am trying to keep a common color scheme and theme in the images, and I think so far so good :) Here's some of the work...

 When I was thinking up ideas for shoots I came across this hat and umbrella that belong to a friend of mine. I thought they would be fun to use as props, and Amanda popped into my head first. Her dark features and beautiful face were perfect for this idea. I'm so happy with how the shots turned out!! Britt hung out and did the makeup...thank goodness for her! She did a great job! :)

Janice was part of my first shoot, along with the beauty dish! I think the hat was a good idea, some mystery is added from her peeking out from under it.                   

                             Thanks to the lovely Brooke for being my blue princess :)

Ishea wears yellow so well. Thanks for hanging out, pretty lady!

I knew I had to photograph Amiee with her point shoes....I just love the movement in the dress in the right photo!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mr. Bunny

Here are a few shots from the fun evening I spent with Kelly, Monica, and Mr. Bunny! I don't have much experience with rabbits, but this guy was pretty awesome :) so were the wonderful ladies who modeled with him :)

A Happy Couple

Mitch Reider and Amanda Narvell are awesome for taking the time to model for my couples portrait. They're great friends of mine and they make a fabulous couple!

Thanks for being awesome, guys! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jewelry Cover

For Advanced Commercial Studio, Todd assigned us our Jewelry cover. I have to say I'm happy with my work, and the necklace! It's my favorite color and I think it's fun :)

Here's another attempt at wowing Todd...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Shoe

Robert Golding has his students take part in an assignment every year where the students are given a pink and white Nike shoe and told to photograph it. There are no rules, just that the shoe is in the picture. It was fun seeing the examples of all the different ideas people had come up with in the past. I don't think I remember seeing one like this one...

So im pretty happy with how I've done it. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Visit to Mimi's Studio

This past Friday my class took a field trip to Mimi Janosy's studio in Manayunk to practice our next assignment - Pet Photography. Someone brought in their dog, Noel and I fell in love!!! Such a lovable, soft, fluffy puppy!! Can I have one now?

I just wanted to share this beauty to share a smile :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Advanced Commercial Studio

So far this semester I have turned in two assignments for Advanced Commercial Studio. There was the White Card assignment which was a lot of fun, and then there was the Food assignment. I think I have decided that photographing food is not one of my strong points if I have to be the photographer and food stylist at the same time. I kind of suck at food! So I made life a little bit easier on myself this time around and bought a cheesecake. Yum!

This assignment was to show that certain liquids do not photograph very well on top of a black background. Sometimes the liquid gets lost in the black behind it. Using this technique, the colors of the liquid look much richer and brighter. 

This is the Food cover. Yummy!